Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Dope Fantastic Blog

Check out my mans new blog

SDon is a man about town. A man of Lesure and travel. but still at the core is a humble man of the people. I heard he and his small clan of associates run this blog straight posting the illest in whats new in street fashion, media, life and all sorts of other shit Yamean!? Oh you think you met SDon and he wasn't black and he didn't talk all ignorant and shit like he does in the blog. Oh you thought he was some smart ass hipster with tight pants but when you saw him his pants were of a reasonable fit. But one time he had these grey jeans on that was kinda suspect but you let it slide cause your mans was all "Na he's cool man! That dude be on some ill chill shit" and you were all "aight word but I think he still might be gay cause he's into fashion and he was saying some weird shit. But he did have some fly Jawn with him so that might not be true. But you hope it is because you wanted to get with that Jawn and you spent $220 dollars on your jeans so your basically just haten... Fucken Haters..


Face Graffiti said...

a very intresting man. and he's cute. hehe kudos.

It's Only Music said...

haha love it