Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Before The Music Dies....find it, watch it immediately.

So if you didn't have the opportunity to see one of the free screenings throughout the country in the past year and a half, you can still see the movie....and really need to see the movie....asap. Here are the links for the B4MD trailer and a bunch of interviews and clips from the movie. I highly suggest buying the movie, you won't regret it. 
Questlove Interview Clip

How To Create A Sexy Pop Star...Erykah Badu Clip (hilarious)

Behind The Clear Channel Curtain
Billy Preston Clip....Opening Scene

Never have so few companies controlled so much of the music played on the radio and for sale at retail stores. At the same time, there are more bands and more ways to discover their music than ever. Music seems to have split in two - the homogenous corporate product that is spoonfed to consumers and the diverse independent music that finds devoted fans online and at clubs across the country.

BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES tells the story of American music at this precarious moment. Filmmakers Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen traveled the country, hoping to understand why mainstream music seems so packaged and repetitive, and whether corporations really had the power to silence musical innovation. The answers they found on this journey–ultimately, the promise that the future holds–are what makes BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES both riveting and exhilarating.

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